
Innovative circuit protection, power control and sensor solutions from Littelfuse are widely used in automotive and other industries. Founded in 1927, Littelfuse offers a comprehensive portfolio of safe and powerful products to meet every customer’s individual needs. The headquarters are located in Chicago, IL, and the company has manufacturing facilities all over the world.Class RK5 Fuses, Littelfuse®, Power-Gard™ Brand
  • 200000 A.I.R.-reliable interruption of all overcurrents up to 200000 A
  • Faster acting short circuit protection than any non-current limiting mechanical protective device
  • Accurate and reliable-automated, precision manufactured and assembled parts ensure accurate, consistent response to overloads and short circuitsThis series fuses have been the superior UL Class RK5 dual-element time-delay fuses, and are the most widely used class of fuses. It provides excellent protection for all types of circuits especially those containing motors.''